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What is Patient Directives® ?

Patient Directives is a patient-directed, high-security storage service that enables care-providers, patients, and loved-ones immediate access to urgent, Advance Directive (Living Will) documents.  Patient Directives was founded by  physicians sharing a common concern for the welfare of patients and their autonomy.  For this reason we provide a secure repository service for the electronic storage and retrieval of these vital documents.  Help us prevent inaccessability, and subsequently, poor compliance with patients' wishes and directives, by distributing those documents in a secure format.

What is an Advance Directive?

An advance directive or advance health care directive, also known as living will, personal directive, or advance decision, are instructions given by individuals specifying what actions should be taken for their health in the event that they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity, and appoints a person to make such decisions on their behalf. A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment.

Who should have an Advanced Directive?

All patients.  All patients should establish clear directives regarding their wishes for care in the event that they are no longer able to make those decisions.  Unfortunately,  most of us do not do so in a timely fashion, leaving loved ones to make harried decisions in the our best interest.  These are often conflicting emotionally, physically and financially.   

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News Directives

Dancing Around Directives
Modern Healthcare 2010

Advance Directives Can Help Families
Journal Sentinel Sep 2010

Legal and Practical Reasons for Incorporating Advance Directives Into Healthcare Practice 
Lexis-Nexis Sep 2010

Advance Directives are Usually Followed. WebMD

Patient Directives
Physicians Advocating for Patients